Outdoor Geoportal

Outdoor Geoportal

Unique maps collection

hike.mapplus.ch is an extract from MAP+ Alps: Switzerland only and only what has to do with outdoor sports. Among other it includes:

Background, all in color or grayscale, brightness slider:

  • swisstopo national maps
  • swisstopo national maps "winter"
  • swisstopo national maps "vintage"
  • OSM++ Switzerland maps created by TYDAC based on OpenStraatMap data
  • Aerial photo swissimage from swisstopo


  • Hiking trails swisstopo
  • Hiking hints
  • Hiking trails: closures and detours
  • Ski routes and snowshoe routes swisstopo
  • Webcams
  • SwitzerlandMobility: Hiking, biking, mountain biking, skating (winter sports to follow)
  • Topics gastronomy, transportation, nature and environment etc.

National Map "Vintage", grayscale, lightened, with hiking trails swisstopo, SwitzerlandMobility hiking routes as well as huts, signposts and mountain passes:

Dynamic display of location

Dynamic display of coordinates and altitude. The height of the center of the screen is also dynamically displayed on smartphones.

Live profile generation

When querying hiking trails, SwitzerlandMobility objects, ski routes etc., a profile is generated on-the-fly, with the following calculated data:

  • Distance
  • Minimum and maximum height
  • Altitude meters up and down

Moreover, with the movement of the mouse over the profile, the location is displayed in the map.

Search, selection and export

SwitzerlandMobility data can be searched via lists:

  • Highlight in the map
  • Selection of multiple sections
  • Export selection to GPX for use in apps


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