Infra3D Integration

Infra3D Integration

3D Mobile Mapping

The Mobile Mapping System from iNovitas (RealityCapture System) consists of several stereo systems, a panorama system, a 360° laser scanner and a navigation solution. It enables mobile and flexible data acquisition on different carrier platforms. From the navigation data recorded during the measurement run, the absolute position and orientation of each camera can be precisely calculated continuously in space, thus creating accurate and highly precise Infra3D Mobile Mapping data.

Integration in MAP+

By means of the API, the Infra3D application was integrated into MAP+ (similar to Google StreetView). However, the integration goes much further here, in that it can be used for the precise collection of data. This is visualized in the figure above;

  • Navigation to the desired section
  • in the Infra3D window click on the desired object, in the figure a signalization stand
  • The exact location is shown in the map
  • with MAP+ the object can now be captured and attributed, in the example with the signalization module

Examples of customer applications (Baar, Zug, Davos - Geozug Ingenieure, Darnuzer Ingenieure):

You can find a demo at Please read the instructions here.(German only)



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