Who is TYDAC?

A somewhat humorous overview of our activities, history and employees can be found in the presentation 25 years TYDAC.(German).

TYDAC was founded in 1991. TYDAC concentrates on tasks in geoinformation with a special focus on service-oriented architecture and the Internet (WebGIS). In this task area we want to create long-term added value for our customers with modern technologies. TYDAC is independent and uses the most suitable components from a wide range of GIS products, preferably open source.

What is the main differentiator?

  • Quality and reliability: Complete satisfaction of our clients needs is our number one goal.
  • Being innovative: The products offered are based on a young and fascinating technology and are designed not only to make daily work easier, but also to enrich it. Since the beginning, TYDAC has always offered products that cannot be beaten in terms of price-performance ratio and quality.
  • Efficiency in the sense of no frills: You can see that already in our references - nobody believes that we are only five ...

In the field of web mapping, we have implemented over 70 applications that are in productive use. Among the references are intranet systems with several thousand users as well as internet solutions with up to 100'000 page impressions per day.

Why rely on TYDAC?

25 years of experience in WebGIS:

  • Implementation of WebGIS projects in countless application areas, for example.: Coop (retail), SBB Telecom and Sunrise (telecommunication), Nationalstrassen Nordwestschweiz AG (infrastructure national roads), Summit GIS (infrastructure ski resorts), cities and engineering offices (municipal applications).
  • Thanks to the manifold user needs in different application areas, we have many years of experience in the implementation of best-practice in the WebGIS area.
  • MAP+ is our product and was developed by us. Means: we master the product from A-Z and can expand and improve it as we like and as the client needs.

Not only software but also a comprehensive data pool:

  • Official cadastral survey of 18 cantons, daily update, see nodi.mapplus.ch and nodi.swiss.
  • WMS services prepared and optimized for MAP+ Canton of Bern: 125, see be.mapplus.ch
  • WMS and WMTS services preconfigured for MAP+ geo.admin: approx. 700, see also map+ geo.admin
  • OSM POI (weekly update, Europe-wide) and maps OSM++ (Switzerland, Europe)
  • POIs from various CH sources: Post, SBB, Bakom

Where is TYDAC?

Optingenstrasse 27 - 3013 Bern

Who is behind TYDAC?

Unbeatable: Italianità and Swissness

Christian a MarcaDevelopment, LINUX Expert

from Mesocco, Geographer Uni-ZH

Flavio CastroDevelopment, FME

from Genève, Dipl. Ing. EPFL

Stefano ColelliGraphics, Development

from Roma, graphic artist

Christian Egloff FauthMarketing& Sales

from Thurgau, lic. oec. HSG

Flavio HendryManaging Director- WebGIS - FME

from Poschiavo/Chur, dipl. Ing. ETH


from Kuching, Sarawak


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